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A practical guide to starting up

Nicole Copley is the publisher and managing editor of this series of handbooks, originally published by Juta. The first in the series, written by Nicole is called “NGO Matters- a practical legal guide to starting up” and

  • Is a practical, systematic guide for founders, board members, donors, and legal advisors to NGOs
  • Provides critical information on structures and registrations, while explaining key concepts
  • Includes extracts from relevant legislation and forms, in one useful volume; and can be purchased from ngoLAW by filling in the purchase order on this page.

PRICE: R330 (incl) plus courier

Goverance for nonprofit boards

The second in the series, written by attorney and governance specialist Ricardo Wyngaard is called “NGO Matters: Governance for nonprofit boards” and answers crucial questions like:

  • Who is in charge?
  • What is the fiduciary duty?
  • What about King IV?

He also provides clear guidelines for organisations to put in place the governance practices that will protect them and their leaders.

Purchase from ngoLAW by filling in the purchase order on this page.

PRICE: R340 (incl) plus courier

Practical financial management for nonprofits

The Third in the series is written by Cathy Masters and Paul Tyler who both have many years of experience providing guidance and training for nonprofits  It is called “NGO Matters: Guide to Basic FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT for NonProfits” and explains the basic concepts and systems which are required for financial management.

Purchase from ngoLAW by filling in the purchase order on this page.

PRICE: R240 (incl) plus courier

These books will be followed by volumes on Tax, Financial reporting, VAT, B-BBEE and Social Enterprises.

All volumes will demystify and provide clear and simple guidance, and include useful resources and links.

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